Mid Career Leadership Programs

Build your succession pipeline by developing mid career leaders and delivering business results.

 "We partnered with Wronski Associates to develop and deliver the LEAD IT program aimed at developing the leadership capabilities of mid-career IT leaders. Since it's beginning in Boston, this program is now delivered globally and is consistently rated highly by the attendees and their managers."  - Allan Hackney – SVP CIO John Hancock
As employees gain more experience, business education and leadership development programs available to them often become increasingly theoretical. Perhaps this results from the fact that many of the leading providers for these types of programs are the corporate education departments of top business schools. Instructors are often professors who have made their careers in research - not in running and leading a business.

We distinguish ourselves from these providers by taking a more practical approach. We introduce research and theory where appropriate, but our focus is on the real world and we concentrate on how to apply the concepts on a day-to-day basis. We recognize that the vast majority of an individual’s personal development occurs on the job and our custom solutions are designed to compliment, accelerate and support that growth process.

  • Read a Program Case Study
    • A large financial services and insurance firm engaged Wronski Associates to implement an IT leadership program focused on building business and financial acumen in its technology leaders. The program aimed to develop the participants’ ability to consider technical solutions from the perspective of the business and to deliver a financially sound business case. To that end, Wronski Associates designed and delivered a six month program using an action learning methodology.

      Key Program Features
      • Action-learning project was a complex business issue or “wicked” problem facing the organization’s senior management.
      • Learning was supported by short formal training sessions that provided opportunities for acquiring relevant skills including developing business and financial acumen.
      • Learning was supported by short formal training sessions that provided opportunities for acquiring relevant skills including developing business and financial acumen.
      • Participants interacted with many different leaders throughout the organization as they conducted research and developed and presented their proposed solutions.
      • An Experienced Action Learning Coach guided the action learning process and served as an executive coach to each participant, providing unique insight that simply could not be garnered in a typical coaching relationship.
      Key Program Outcomes
      • Developed Business Centric IT leaders.
      • Empowered top mid-career talent to expand their boundaries and sphere of influence both within IT and throughout the business.
      • Enabled senior management to get to know the talent in the pipeline.
      • Fostered peer coaching circles and a new network of “connected” talent.
      • Introduced an action learning mindset throughout the IT organization.
      • Created a new focus on career management and personal development in the individual participants and the organization.

Explore how we can help you build a custom leadership program to build the talent pipeline in your organization!

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