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Presentation Skills

Course Number:
Recommended Duration: 2 Days

Intended Audience: All Employees

Course Overview

Presenting information to a group can be an exciting opportunity to share ideas and information that are important to you. It can also be a significant source of stress if you lack confidence in your ability to plan what to say and how to say it. Many people dread speaking in public, or avoid it altogether, because they are afraid they will say or do something wrong and look silly to people they want to impress. This course helps you gain an understanding of how to prepare a presentation so you can feel comfortable speaking in public and give presentations with confidence.


As a result of taking this course, you will learn to:
  • Articulate and apply effective platform presentation skills.
  • Structure and deliver a persuasive presentation.
  • Design and use visual aids to support a presentation.
  • Connect with an audience with credibility.
Prerequisites: None

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